Our lives have been made simple and interesting with every information just at a click of a mouse. Hither to, sending messages to others was tedious; however the advent of media has made it easier and interesting. In the early 1800s, inventors made progress in sending symbols via electrical impulses over wires.

 Color television emerged in the mid-1950s and became dominant over black and white television. The radio, newspaper, television were our main source of information.(Compton encyclopedia). The traditional media refers to the old and primitive way of disseminating information involving only one way of communication. It can also be called the legacy media. The traditional media involves the use of print, radio, television in disseminating information. For instance, here in Ghana as of in the early 1800s, during the stay of the colonial masters, citizens relied on the print news media especially for most of the news in the country. Until the emergence of the internet in the country, reliance on traditional media was very high. With the advent of New Media, life has been very easy and interesting. Though many people do still read news online that has been produced by traditional outlets, many users are now expressing that they feel the traditional outlets are 'too slow' or that their reporting has 'too much of an agenda'. The prevalence of mobile devices that can record pictures, video and have constant internet connections, combined with the growing popularity of social networking sites has actually made it possible for people to produce and share news themselves. Consequently citizen journalists – ordinary people doing the job of reporters – are everywhere

 New media is a way in which the delivery of news and information follows many-to-many format. It is networkable, dense, compressible and interactive even though new media has greater advantage over traditional media, it evolved from the old media. Sean Carton in his July 2009 blog posting wrote social media "new" while it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world. People have been using digital media for networking, socialising and information gathering- almost exactly like now for over 30 years. This explains that social media has been in existence for some period of time and has assumed different names due to the revolution of media technological development.

                          These traditional media are losing their prominence, due to intense competition from the social media. The advent of social media has affected the operation of traditional media. Social media is able to cover a vast range of production and distribution. For instance, the Turkey demonstration against the Government was reported nonprofessional journalists who were citizens. . (Citizen Journalist: how social media reveals the truth in Turkey) online. Available at: (  Another typical example is the demonstration by “Ashaiman” commercial drivers on delayed construction of their road. The violent riot was reported live on social media by citizen journalist. Citizen Journalists are members of the public playing an active role in collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news through the various social media available to them. Social platforms like Facebook, twitter, linked in and others have created the opportunity for people to create, share information, achieve easy access to other information.  

The presence of social media is gradually deleting various existing forms of traditional or legacy media. Europe editor for New York times Richard. W. Stevenson said "the reality is that, print‑ across the world is really a tough business now".” (New York Times goes global by rebranding IHT-ABC news (online).Available at: http:// Social media wields greater power over the traditional media.

With social media there is no Bureaucracy as compared to traditional media. With the traditional media, reporters are assigned various assignments which passes through channels of command until it gets to the editor. But with the invention of social media, people can tweet, Facebook from the comfort of their homes, school, on the street or even in "trotro”. Moreover, the cost effect on the audience is very low. This is encouraging people to rely on these social media for information. Why would i spend about GHC 20.00 on a magazine when i can get the information from their website?  

In addition, Social media introduced infotainment thus providing information and entertainment at the same time. It also creates conversational platforms for the audience. People share their thoughts on issues through blogs, twitter, Facebook and others for people to easily get access to it. The newspapers, magazines and other traditional media created less or no space for audience to share views on certain issues. In social media, the citizen journalists, bloggers and others just put any information out there without checking for accuracy and credibility since they lack professionalism whiles trained journalists follow the right trends before disseminating information and have lay- down procedures which also leads to biases sometimes. With the social media, they report the news just as it is without any interference or personal interest. For instance, the Boston bombing suspect was wrongly accused and hunted down due to unchecked facts which were posted on Reddit. (Jayson Demer,

In other to close the gap between these two media worlds, the old media need to use strategies in order to survive extinction.

There should be collaboration between the two media worlds. This does not mean a displacement of the old media but rather the interactions between all media platforms both old and new. This can also be known as media convergence.

 TV3 is doing well with media convergence. After news 360, they read views from their funs on Facebook and Twitter. They give them (audience) the platform to what they have in mind making it interactive. Hence the old media should;

·         Provide on the Job training for their workers and they should recruit competent workers with technological background. For instance Gilbert, a former Harvard business school professor told how he quickly molded the Deseret’s Web strategy into an entity with its own staff, recruiting employees with experience in the internet world rather than in traditional journalism. ( Gilbert: Only 1in10’old media will survive) (Online). Available at (


·         Ensure their publications are more interactive and easy to understand.

·         The old media should make a transition from the single platform (print) to multi-platform that is publishing news online as well as using print.


Many bloggers consider themselves ‘citizen journalists’ and believe they are better suited to provide the diversity that today’s democracy needs than traditional journalists. By moving away from the established news sources, they weaken the control of major mainstream gatekeepers. They pride themselves on being the ‘watch-dog’ of the traditional watch-dog media. According to the report, “We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information” by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis, citizen journalism aims “to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and relevant information that a democracy requires."




Edwina Ivy addo ( )

Abigail Afatsawo (www.

Maud Fadi (








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